Ashleigh Middleton on Running for Arts and Culture Commissioner

Interview with VUSAC Arts and Culture Commissioner Candidate, Ashleigh Middleton.

Aloysius Wong on Running for Board of Regents and Victoria College Council

Interview with VUSAC candidate Aloysius Wong

Ally Johnston on Running for the Board of Regents, Re-election, and the 1980s

Interview with VUSAC candidate, Ally Johnson

Devon Wilton on the Board of Regents, Openness, and Keeping your Finger on the Pulse

Interview with Board of Regents candidate, Devon Wilton.

Lucy Faria on running for Academic Development Commissioner

Interview with VUSAC Academic Development Commissioner, Lucy Faria

Aurore Dumesnil on running for Vice-President Internal, welcoming environments, and printers

Interview with VUSAC VPI candidate Aurore Dumesnil

Tran Thai on Running for Scarlet and Gold Commissioner

Interview with Scarlet and Gold Commissioner candidate Tran Thai

Liam Jennings on running for Mental Wellness Commissioner

Interview with Mental Wellness Commissioner candidate, Liam Jennings

Sayeh Yousefi on running for VP Student Organizations, levy accountability, and student fees

Interview with Vice President Student Organizations candidate, Sayeh Yousefi

Massoma Kisob on Running for Equity Commissioner, Increased Visibility, and Water Bending

Interview with Equity Commissioner candidate Massoma Kisob