Unpacking the privilege in anti-mask arrests
Chloe Bantle
February 2, 2021
Comparing recent police response to lockdown protests vs Black Lives Matter protests
A look into the cops off campus movement
Morgan Murray
February 2, 2021
Content warning: Mentions of police brutality. In recent months, many post-secondary institutions have been reevaluating the use of campus-police. The demand from students, on-campus unions, and student groups at the University of Toronto for the removal of campus police has been an ongoing concern for years now. On December 16, ...
Rights of food couriers during the pandemic
Ellen Grace
February 2, 2021
How the success of Foodsters United can lead to mass unionization of gig-workers, and what you can do to help
How to get involved with Black History Month events as a Victoria College student
Adam Lam
February 2, 2021
Opportunities include BLVCK events, a UofT symposium, and literature exploration
How exposed to COVID-19 were in-person students this fall?
Adam Lam
January 19, 2021
New study of blood samples from UofT student volunteers aims to find out
Victoria College’s Anti-Racism Book Club and Conference
Kamsi Chika
January 19, 2021
Discussing racism on campus
Months of mixed messages leave Ford administration to contend with record-high COVID-19 numbers
Sarah Abernethy
January 19, 2021
Students voice their frustration with unclear provincial restrictions
When will the administration start listening to the voices of its students?
Radmila Yarovaya
November 24, 2020
Mental health at UofT
Impact of COVID-19 on UofT’s finances likely to be smaller than feared, according to studies
Adam Lam
November 24, 2020
UofT maintains tuition fees for domestic & international students despite reports
Beyond greenwashing: taking real action on climate change
Sydney Gram
November 24, 2020
Divesting UofT