The Value of the Full-Length Album: An exploration into listening to an album, from start to finish

Several months ago, I stumbled into the basement of a record store I hadn’t been to before. Vinyl overflowed the recycled milk crates, labelled “A-C,” “Icelandic,” “80s African.” Craving an escape, I pulled out several records, placed one in an empty turntable, and sat and listened. It was an Icelandic ...

The Death of Cottage Country

Every so often, it takes a shock to the system to understand that the world has changed, sometimes for better, often for worse. Mine came this past summer when, while out rowing, I saw a group of cottagers in a speedboat intentionally buzzing a family of loons. At that moment, ...

Bro, Do You Even Lit? 

With the recent release of The End of the Tour, a biopic about David Foster Wallace starring Jason Segel, a number of opinion pieces have cropped up evaluating his relationship with Lit-Bro culture. In a recent New York Times article titled “Why Literary Chauvinists Love David Foster Wallace,” Molly Fischer describes ...

Memories of First Year

The first few weeks of university can be a scary time. As a first-year trying to figure out a new set of customs and navigate an unfamiliar routine, it can be easy to feel like the odd one out. A lot of first-year students have probably caught themselves thinking something ...