Healthier, Happier: Tips for a Fit First Year
Ainsley MacDougall
September 6, 2016
For a lot of people, first year means the first time living away from home and the first major foray into adulthood and living independently. But it can be a great time to develop some healthy habits to carry with you throughout the remainder of your university experience and, hopefully, ...
What’s in a Name?
Stephanie Spagnuolo
April 18, 2016
Names matter, regardless of what Juliet might think—a One program stream name reflects the underlying ideals of the program itself. Since the introduction of the One programs, a principle was founded in establishing opportunities for first year students to thoughtfully engage in small class size discussions to explore the inter-connectivity ...
Where culture awareness only goes so far: The trials of an international student
Tamilore Oshodi
March 31, 2016
This was my first year in Toronto. The previous year I had been at an international school in Hamilton, Ontario, populated with people coming from the various expanses of the globe, and it’s safe to say that we all felt sheltered there. There was a constant feeling when walking down ...
Rock Climbing Rocks
Jenna Borisevich
February 3, 2016
If you happen to know me, there’s a fairly good chance I’ve tried to recruit you into rock climbing. On second thought, if you happen to know me, I’m certain that I have. “Hey, I’m Jenna. Nice to meet you. Do you rock climb? Would you want to?” The words ...
Gardiner Gala postponed
Ainsley MacDougall and Tamilore Oshodi
January 19, 2016
Earlier this month, confusion erupted over Facebook after it was announced that the Gardiner Gala—planned as part of Victoria University’s Frost Week—had been postponed. The Gardiner Gala, considered a tradition for Victorians, is an event regularly held each year during the first week back at school after winter break. The ...
Humans of Vic
Genevieve Wakutz
November 30, 2015
“I had midterms for the past six weeks, and there’s still two more to do.” “It’s very liberating to be able to do things on your own and not care what anyone else thinks. Honestly, I feel like a lot of the things we do with other people we’re actually ...
The Value of the Full-Length Album: An exploration into listening to an album, from start to finish
Laura Charney
October 20, 2015
Several months ago, I stumbled into the basement of a record store I hadn’t been to before. Vinyl overflowed the recycled milk crates, labelled “A-C,” “Icelandic,” “80s African.” Craving an escape, I pulled out several records, placed one in an empty turntable, and sat and listened. It was an Icelandic ...
The Death of Cottage Country
Laurent-Phillippe Veilleux
October 7, 2015
Every so often, it takes a shock to the system to understand that the world has changed, sometimes for better, often for worse. Mine came this past summer when, while out rowing, I saw a group of cottagers in a speedboat intentionally buzzing a family of loons. At that moment, ...
Bro, Do You Even Lit?
Geoff Baillie
September 22, 2015
With the recent release of The End of the Tour, a biopic about David Foster Wallace starring Jason Segel, a number of opinion pieces have cropped up evaluating his relationship with Lit-Bro culture. In a recent New York Times article titled “Why Literary Chauvinists Love David Foster Wallace,” Molly Fischer describes ...
Memories of First Year
Geoff Baillie
September 5, 2015
The first few weeks of university can be a scary time. As a first-year trying to figure out a new set of customs and navigate an unfamiliar routine, it can be easy to feel like the odd one out. A lot of first-year students have probably caught themselves thinking something ...