Author name: Karim Arif

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A Conversation with Principal Hernandez: An Introduction to Alex

The introductory segment of the interview with Principal Hernandez. The 2024-25 academic year marks a watershed moment for Victoria College as Dr. Angela Esterhammer ends her tenure as Principal after 12 years in office. As an associate professor of English, Dr. Hernandez focuses his research on eighteenth-century literature and culture. However, his unorthodox consideration of […]

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A conversation with Principal Hernandez: Vic’s academic vision

The second segment of the interview with Principal Hernandez. Vic prides itself on its unique approaches to learning, notably its small classrooms, first-year programs, and, to an extent, professor-oriented courses. Given Vic’s rich historical pedagogical traditions, are there any that you want to uphold or, alternatively, revise? Vic is a unique place because it has

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