Violence in film is a problem, I guarantee it

Two years ago, I was flying back to Toronto on Air Canada, ready to watch Kill Bill Vol. 1. This movie, like many Quentin Tarantino films, has hit cult-classic status, so I felt that I should incorporate it into my film repertoire. About ten minutes into the film, I had ...

Choir! Choir! Choir! Co-Founder Nobu Adilman talks about the Toronto initiatives success

Daveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman are very busy these days. The community choir they founded in 2011, aptly (and enthusiastically) named “Choir! Choir! Choir!,” is amassing viral attention for their recent performance of the late, great David Bowie’s Space Oddity. The video of the event has been watched more than ...

Is the Joy of Reading Obsolete Because of School?

There is no doubt that university makes us better readers. It provides us with the skillset to analyze texts more efficiently and to become better critics in general. However, considering the quick pace at which we are expected to finish readings at the university level, one might argue that we ...

Environmental Issues and Theatre intersect

Broadleaf Theatre comprised of UofT’s student talent brings environmental consciousness to center stage  There is nothing more inspiring than seeing UofT students take their school-based initiatives into the “real world.” University allows students the time and space to invent and create, as people are surrounded by hundreds of peers engaged ...

VCDS’ God of Carnage was a bloody good show

The program for the VCDS’s 2016 God of Carnage has the following note from director Ben Murchison: “In order to further showcase this play’s [sic] thematic elements, I decided to convert the entire Cat’s Eye into the Novak’s loft.” Had I read this before entering the Cat’s Eye, I would have ...

Mini Review: Soulpepper’s revival of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol

Michael Shamata’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, put on at Soulpepper Theatre, was a heartwarming testimony to the power of human redemption and compassion, even in a person as hostile and bitter as Ebeneezer Scrooge. Joseph Ziegler offered a nuanced, brilliant performance as Ebeneezer Scrooge—showcasing Scrooge’s contempt and coldness, while also portraying ...

The Literary Pamphlet is revived

Black & BLUE takes on the traditional pamphlet form that does its ancestors proud The pamphlet, as a literary medium, has a complex and fascinating history, with a reputation for being the agent of provocative news, whether it was spreading slanderous accusations about the French royal family leading up to ...

New Year’s Traditions – Conceptions of Time and Rituals

Clarrie Feinstein When the new year comes around, most celebrate with family and friends, excitedly waiting for the clock to strike midnight and welcome in the new year. The new year invites the possibilities of change, and with that comes excitement. But what happens if this is your second new ...

Ur Room: students open up their home to showcase Toronto’s emerging artists

The art world is cutthroat. As any young artist will tell you, it can be difficult to break into an industry where everyone seems to know exactly what to do and how to do it. Not only is it hard to gain exposure for your work, it can also be ...

The Strand Picks Their Pop Culture Faves

It’s been a fantastic year for music and television. Here’s what The Strand enjoyed the most.   TV [Light spoilers ahead]: Amanda Ghazale Aziz: You’re the Worst—Coming off a cynical debut season, the second season of You’re the Worst took an even darker turn, but that’s where I had found it to ...