Celebrity Sightings at TIFF: Exciting or Exasperating?
Molly Kay
September 21, 2016
This year marks the forty-first annual Toronto International Film Festival. TIFF, one of the largest film festivals in the world, is internationally recognized as one of the most prestigious and high-profile celebrations of film and culture. So, it’s only natural that every year this event attracts several celebrated and outstanding ...
Social Media’s Newfound Freedom: The Rise of “Finstas”
Elena Senechal-Becker
September 21, 2016
I’m not sure to what extent my parents stalk my various social media accounts, but the one thing they keep telling me is: “Don’t put anything on the internet that you wouldn’t want everyone in the world to see.” This is a fear we all hold very close to our ...
Wayhome Daze
Victoria Butler
September 9, 2016
The Wayhome Arts & Music Festival has become a summer staple in Ontario, The Strand takes a look at the festival experience through the lens of a camera.
Four Albums Your Dad Likes That Are Actually Pretty Good
Carl Abrahamsen
September 7, 2016
Piqued by the startling suggestion that our parents might have decent music taste, The Strand decided to riffle through their music collections and rehabilitate some of the albums that, despite time and imitation, have remained great pieces of art.
The Importance of Taste: Film & music as social capital and what that can do for you
Joshua Kim
September 7, 2016
Over the coming year, The Strand’s Film & Music section seeks to help the uninformed become informed by producing relevant content on today’s film and music scene—both on a local and worldly level.
BFF: Best Frosh Friends (Forever?)
Rhea Bhatia
September 7, 2016
Frosh Week is overwhelming, exciting, and it goes by quickly, so it’s important to make the most of it. Most importantly, it showed me how lucky I am to be here among some of the most welcoming, warm, and creative people I have ever met.
Adult Ballet at the National Ballet School
Sabrina Papas
September 7, 2016
Contributor Sabrina Papas speaks with NBS instructor Bob McCollum about what the school has to offer to new students
Arts & Culture In and Around Campus
Molly Kay & Elena Senechal-Becker
September 7, 2016
The Strand's Arts & Culture editors offer a go-to guide of some of the most important artistic and cultural hubs in and around campus
Key and Peele Discuss Keanu, Casting, and Being Badass
Neil MacIsaac
April 28, 2016
The transition from television to film can provide a multitude of challenges, most notably a loss of original purpose or direction. For Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, the duo behind the wildly successful Comedy Central show Key & Peele, the initial motivation for their new film Keanu was simply to ...
Top 8 Hipster Joints in (Toronto) The 6ix
Clarrie Feinstein
April 16, 2016
Enjoy The Strand’s guide to the top hipster joints in the city. As Toronto culture is expanding, some areas in this urban metropolis are showing the full potential of what this city has to offer. From vintage arcade bars, to underground dance dens, to taco-only restaurants, the city has gone ...