Split and other contemporary horror
Harrison Wade
February 4, 2017
A look at M. Night Shyamalan's recent film and the genre surrounding it
Mary Tyler Moore’s rise as a performer and role model
Sabrina Papas
February 4, 2017
Looking back on the life of one of show business' most influential female figures
Isaac Julien: Other Destinies
Carol Eugene Park
February 4, 2017
The Strand previews the ROM's upcoming exhibit
The Power Plant celebrates 30th anniversary
Sabrina Papas
February 4, 2017
A conversation with the curator and director of the gallery's winter opening party
Ten Toronto coffee shops perfect for studying—and your Instagram
Rosa Kumar
February 4, 2017
Ten coffee shops in walking distance from campus you need be studying and 'gramming
Making friends in university: On-campus vs. Off-campus living
Amanda Gosio
February 4, 2017
The university experience is one entirely determined by the individual circumstances of a student. Are you an international student? Are you a member of on-campus communities? Do you attend your classes often? Do you live on residence? Have you joined any sports teams or clubs? All of these factors, and many more, come to define ...
Professor profiles: An interview with Anne Urbancic of Victoria College
Grace King
February 4, 2017
Professor Anne Urbancic is the first Professor to be featured in a mini-series of interviews with various staff and faculty members at Victoria College and UofT. In past years, she has been a member of the Department of Italian Studies; today, she is Victoria College’s Academic Programs Coordinator and the ...
ROM Exhibition: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016
Charlène Hanania
January 31, 2017
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year award, is one the most prestigious awards in photography. Founded and organized by the Natural History Museum in London, the 2016 open competition attracted almost 50,000 submissions for the competition. For the fourth time, finalists and winners from each category of the competition have ...
Gardiner Gala 2017: a snapshot of the evening
Elena Senechal-Becker
January 30, 2017
Arts & Culture editor Elena Senechal-Becker offers a glimpse of this year's Gardiner Gala. Photos by Rosa Kumar.
The Strand picks their pop culture faves of 2016
Strand Editors
January 27, 2017
Since the best part of 2016 was definitely the art