Six questions with Ann Pornel, the “glamazon” taking over Toronto’s comedy scene

The comedian tells The Strand about her favourite performances, industry tips and her time at Vic Ann Pornel is part of Second City’s Mainstage company. She is a graduate of the Second City Conservatory Programme, Musical Conservatory, Bob Curry Fellowship, and the University of Toronto! The Strand sat down with Ann to ...

The Strand reviews the Trinity Art Show

This year’s Trinity Art Show was organised by Elisa Natarelli and Eleanor Laffling, showcasing the ever-popular theme of minimalism. The co-curators displayed art through different media:  photography, sculpture, even cards. The exhibition took place at Trinity, in Seely Hall. The Strand had the opportunity to interview one of the curators, Elisa ...

Fiercely Irish and insanely funny

The Young Offenders kills it at the Irish box office

Review: Paterson

The latest Jim Jarmusch film reveals the poetry in the everyday

Review: Lego Batman

Lego Batman is a fun and interesting new take on a classic character. Batman is portrayed in this film as an egomaniacal brat who is, nonetheless, as  competent as he is spoiled and selfish.  He is an awesome crimefighter, but unlike other incarnations, he has no family apart from Alfred, his butler. In fact, the plot of the film hinges on the ...

Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience

Kent Monkman’s artwork stuns at UofT Art Centre

TEDxUofT encourages mindful discussion and promotes themes of acceptance

The importance of community, social activism, and knowing one’s worth

What Else We Could Be Doing explores growing pains and the struggle to stay present

Dan Darrah's poetry collection contains 28 poems, which tackle themes of childhood, relationships, and life in the suburbs

The Strand reviews VCDS presents Assassins

The final VCDS production of the season leaves audience with mixed reviews

The Strand reviews VEFS presents Divine Trash

Sustainable fashion celebrates hyperfemininity