Review: The Art of Banksy
Mika Merino
September 5, 2018
An exhibition of intentional and inadvertent irony
Performance and Play
Arin Klein
September 3, 2018
The Strand’s ultimate guide to theatre at Victoria College
All born naked and the rest is drag?
Renna Keriazes
April 3, 2018
RuPaul’s ongoing perpetuation of transphobia and misogyny
Misconceptions of a neutral identity and blind casting in campus theatre
Cy Macikunas
April 3, 2018
Find plays by different kinds of people instead of recycling the plays you already know. Do your research, and explore.
Review: SMC Troubadours presents Hairspray
Annika Hocieniec
March 14, 2018
SMC’s production of Hairspray: The Broadway Musical lost its strength when it had barely even begun.