Manic Pixie Dream Girls

The male gaze through the female gaze

Songs for September

Jam to this as you walk to the hellish Con Hall

What’s in a name, that which we call a section?

My interpretation of “Arts and Culture”

Trinity Art Show 2019: interviews

Conversations on inspiration and the public role of artists

An Ode to Dolly Parton

From one fake blonde to another

Finding safety and confidence in childhood art

The first time I ever saw Howl’s Moving Castle, I was entranced. I must have been around 10 or 11, on a manic Studio Ghibli marathon in the middle of the night. I fell in love with the vivid colours and warm characters. I fell in love with this entire fantasy world filled with witches and portals ...

Like a pop song

Reflections on Madonna’s Like a Prayer 30 years later

Review: Everybody Knows

The theme of broken family runs deep through Asghar Farhadi’s movies, and Everybody Knows, his latest, carries on this motif  in a grand, if not always plausible, way. This is a movie that begins with much happiness and celebration and ends in speculation and disbelief. That could make for a ...

Towards youth and towards ourselves

A play on radical hope proves its resounding message

Basma Alsharif at the MOCA

Mapping narratives and journeys into the collective subconscious