Greta Gerwig

What it means to grow up as a woman in the modern age

Normal People

The scene was the end of April, the timeline was abandoned, and the mood was growing more and more dismal by the hour. Following the near-instant implementation of quarantine , the uncertainty of finishing the semester remotely, and the ultimate stress-filled exams, I was left to face the unbearable monotony ...


How the platform failed during a pandemic

Reflections on a quarantined summer

How I travelled around the world during the pandemic

Software skills that students need to master throughout university

Try to learn these five software programs before graduation


My summer of Sorkin and screenwriting

Jazz: A Lesson in Allyship, Expression, and Social Change

This is a time of justified anger, rage, and desperation. Two hundred years of institutionalized slavery, followed by 200 more years of de facto slavery through sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, the War on Drugs, and the prison-industrial complex—all of these have relegated Black communities to the status of second-class citizenship ...

Unsanitized UofT: an introduction letter

Dear kind readers, We are Unsanitized UofT. Our platform represents the manifestation of a community’s need for education and peaceful dialogue surrounding racial injustice against BIPOC and marginalized groups. Galvanized by the Black Lives Matter movement, Unsanitized seeks to provide an outlet for students at UofT to voice their unexpurgated ...

Please, go to a Slam Show

The year is 2020 and I’m worried that we’ve forgotten what poetry sounds like. Our particular artistic epoch’s favoured form is, for lack of a better term, Instagram poetry. A lot has been said about Insta poets which I will not repeat here! But I will say that much of ...

An interview with Samana Sajan

Student and author of I Spoke with the Moon and This Is What She Told Me It’s not every day you meet someone who truly epitomizes what it means to be an artist. Currently double-majoring in English and Religion at UofT, Samana Sajan is also an actress and poet who ...