A Timeless Speech for Any President

Words from Presidents Jefferson, FDR, JFK, LBJ, and H.W. Bush to Biden

Friends, fellow-citizens, and Americans.

The world has been growing worse.

Sowed by seeds of hate 

From indifference, ignorance, and arrogance.


It is an arena of turmoil, of poverty, of strife.

Civilians ruthlessly murdered with bombs from the air.

Deprived of happiness, of liberty, of life.

Footage of airstrikes beamed to homes.

Missiles down smokestacks, or at a mosque in prayer. 


We ended torture chambers and replaced tyranny with law. 

I can think of no endeavor more necessary. 

For the sake of national security, we tortured our enemies. 

Not because it is hard, but because it is easy. 

Waterboarded. Isolated. Detained indefinitely. 


Carnage, scores of innocent children dying as if they’re on the battlefield.

Parents, suffocating and hollow. We have to act. 

Don’t tell me we can’t have an impact. 

Another massacre. I am sick and tired of it. 

The President is a shameless hypocrite.


God Bless America